Monday, May 16, 2011

New post for today and tonite

As I sit here in front of my computer, just having written a letter about 1000 words in length, taking a [short] break from video games I felt the need to post the letter as well as a few thoughts prior to returning back to the normal evening activities.

I am reminded of Luke 18:15-17 and think about why Jesus felt it necessary to use that example of children. Was it just convenient because there were so many children around? I don't really think that was the case. I think he meant that in order for us to enter the kingdom of heaven we must be joyous and unashamed, like a child is on Christmas morning. I love that about children. It saddens me when kids grow to be self conscious and start caring what other people think.

Anyway I write becuase I am trying to get support for an organization with a cause I believe in. I put most all of it in this letter and hope you can find the time to read it. I don't know who, if anybody reads this blog, but here it is. I truly mean it when I say that at the very least join me in praying for these kids and the adults who are really making a sacrifice to show these kids the love they deserve. I punched this letter out of my heart and while it might seem a little rough around the edges, it is my heart. thank you. Also as the week of RFKC approaches and while I am there I am really going to make an effort to blog more and keep everybody up to date about what is going on prior to an during camp. Enjoy.

I hope this letter finds you in great health and feeling truly blessed. I want to begin by saying this is uncharacteristic of me and I hope you will take the time to read this letter as well as the letter drafted by the organization I am attempting to represent. I was tempted to leave the letter as is and simply mail everything off, but I wanted to convey the high level of passion and commitment I have for this organization and the work they are doing. The organization is Royal Family Kids' Camp or RFKC. The purpose of the organization is to provide children who have had little to no normalcy in their life and experience that will stay with them for a lifetime. It is a faith-based organization. This means that there is a Jesus focused mission statement and all the volunteers are Christ followers.
Please believe me when I say that the children who participate in this 5 day long sleep-away camp are in desperate need of this time away. They come from homes that most of us cannot imagine. They have been abused, abandoned, and or neglected. They are forced to experience things that people should not have to ever experience and they experience these things prior to knowing how to properly handle the emotional turmoil that exists in their daily lives. This camp provides them an opportunity to be a child; to have fun without fear of neglect, abuse, or abandonment. The camp sometimes provides siblings who have not seen each other for a time to reconnect and interact with siblings that are separated for whatever reason. This is truly a happy time in their life.
The typical day of camp begins with wake-up (which can be difficult sometimes), followed by a good breakfast. Most kids eat well, but some try to eat too much, not knowing when the next meal may be. Some kids try to take food with them, while others simply refuse the food. Eventually after everybody has eaten, the morning activities commence. They consist of fishing, swimming, drawing, climbing a rock wall, going down a zip line, taking a short hike, hunting for frogs, building a birdhouse, playing in the lake and miscellaneous other activities. The morning is also the time when they are read bible stories and even more bible stories are acted out for them. This is usually preceded by singing fun praise songs alongside the counselors who they have almost instantly become attached to. Lunch comes too quickly and after lunch is a short quiet time usually filled with naps or bible lessons taught by the counselors and more often than not filled the numerous and sometimes difficult questions that get asked. It is not uncommon to have questions like "Why did Jesus let so and so hurt my mom?" or "Can Jesus find somebody to adopt me?" It's moment like this that you have to fight the urge to cry and yell and feel anger.
After lunch are more activity and then its dinner time. Dinner is always followed by some kind of special event. The events are: everybody's birthday, carnival night, and the grand talent show. Needless to say we keep the children entertained and busy. As a counselor it is emotionally and physically draining. Every day you wonder where the strength to complete the next day will come from, but God is faithful and the day is never more that you can handle.
I am writing because this year the camp is facing a shortfall. We are in need of financial support for RFKC. As you can read on the other page the cost is $250/camper. RFKC does not charge the campers anything to attend, nor do they get funds from the state for the kids to attend. They are a non-profit organization supported solely by the generosity of the people who believe in what they are doing. Please join me in supporting this awesome organization that truly brings joy to the heart of God. Thank you for your time and I apologize if I am bit long-winded, but I truly believe in this program and hope you feel lead to support this cause. I am enclosing an envelope that has been addressed and stamped for you. If it is more convenient for you to give online, you can use your credit card to donate through the website

Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or reservations. I will be most excited to answer any questions you might have. You can reach me by email or by phone 402-575-8373. Please keep the young campers that God has chosen for this camp and the counselors God has placed them with, in your prayers as we embark on this wonderful journey. Thank you and Make God bless you always.

With Love

Brant Isaak Brooks