Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 0 RFKC

Today is the first day of camp, but since the kids don't arrive till tomorrow I call it day 0. In my opinion it is a little more nerve racking then actually having the kids here. It is an emotional time and to give you an idea about the things that are going through my head are: fear, excitement, joy, fear, and a whole host of things that i just cant seem to put a name on right now.

The kids arrive tomorrow and I have hopes and dreams and even expectations. I have tried to forget about the world outside of this place, but that is hard to do. I try to understand that God has put me into the lives of these specific children for a very specific reason, at this specific time. I pray that I can help cultivate a safe and healthy environment so that God can work. I am under no delusions. God does not need me to do anything in order for him to complete his work, but I feel that I need to do these things. I feel God wants me to do these things. I have a feeling that it is going to be a great week. A week of life changing experience. I hope and pray that I can help to plant a seed and that the seed I help to plant will grow and grow and become a life changing entity. I hope and pray that these children will be receptive and I hope and pray that the life they lead outside this place can not compare to any sacrifice on my part. The week of leave I lose can help to give life to a little person. Such a small sacrifice. I don't know that it can even be considered a sacrifice. I do it with honor and joy.
My prayer:
Father God, make my heart soft and help me be the servant that you desire of me. Help me to minister to these kids in any way possible, that I would be receptive to your spirit and have the courage, knowledge and peace to be everything to these kids that they need. Make me strong and fill me up to overflowing so that my cup may fill up those around me. I love you Lord and it is in Christ's name I pray....

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