Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Valley of Shadows by Mark Terry

I began reading this book mostly (okay only) because it was a free download for my Kindle. I have a feeling this will turn out to be a habit of mine. I like free and best of all I can always afford it. You don't even need a kindle to take advantage of the free books. If you have an iPad or an iPhone or a computer or any other compatible device you can partake in the lovely freeness (yeah I just made that up) that is the kindle store.
I began reading this book and was pretty much sucked in. It was fast when it needed to be and never really slowed to a crawl. It is a typical terrorist doomsday book, but it was different. It was interesting because the events happened in the United States and it contained all the bureaucratic BS that usually occurs when working with any Government entity. It contained enough detail to keep you interested but not so much that it was distracting. I have read other authors who are way too detailed and to be honest, nobody really cares as much as the author. Derek Stillwater, the main character, could have easily been named Jack Bauer. He had the same "accomplish the mission at all cost" attitude, but was relateable (not really a word) as a patriot. The scenario in the story is plausible and left a lingering feeling of "what if." It was not a typical hero story and Stillwater is not a typical hero. He doesn't escape unharmed or without serious injury. It would have been interesting to get into the head of Derek Stillwater, but the series is not over and I have a feeling that every book will have a little more history in it. I have a feeling that the other characters in this book might not have big parts in the next one, but might have had parts in previous books. I will let you know when I actually read the previous books. I asked Mr Terry if the books were written in order and he assured me that all the books are in-deed standalone. They can be read in any order with no problem what-so-ever. That is a good thing, because his other books are not free. I may have to wait for them or just buy them outright. They are only priced at $2.99 on Amazon (Link Below.)
Back to the book. The writing was good and the story telling was fast. There wasn't a lot, if any, back story and none was really needed. Just a bit of Derek history and we were off for a great ride. I also appreciated that it was not full of Muslim stereotypical BS that often accompanies books of this genre. He really understood that not many Muslims are bad and, like any religion, it is the radical extremists that usually cause the problems. It was good and definitely worth the few hours that it took for me to read it.
You can get it here for $3.99!!
Also Mark Terry's blog is pretty decent and he's got a little novella going on that might interest a few people.

A new direction

I would like to say that I have found inspiration or I am doing something totally and completely new and maybe I am, but maybe just new to me. I have decided to write about something that I enjoy talking about and truly enjoy doing. READING. I am going to write about books I have read and am currently reading. The goal is a book a week. If I don't read a book a week, and I usually take less than that to read a book, I will simply go back to a book I have read on the past and talk about that. All of this being said I want this to become a kind of review/conversation about books. I mostly read fiction and do not really stick to any one genre. I have my favorite authors and try to branch out but often fail miserably when I do. Those failures might be something that I talk about, but the best part will be the successes. The books that surprise me with their awesomeness, will be the treats and the thing that keeps me writing. I am not trying to win a prize or even really inspire others. I am really just trying to write down my thoughts on the books I read so that when I am old, bald, and senile I can look back and remember what it was that I loved about reading. I have recently read some really great books, and some "okay" book, but rarely do I bother finishing the terrible boring books (Nicholas Sparks exempted) that I have trouble making it past the first few chapters. I am going to list some of my favorite authors in nor particular order:
John Grisham (Yeah yeah, it's the same story, the same characters, and oftentimes in the same locations, but when he branches out he creates truly amazing stories, ie A Painted Houe)
Stephen King (except the Dark Tower Series, what a waste)
JK Rowling
Dan Brown
Michael Durant (not a fiction writer or really even a writer, but tells an amazing story)
Mark Terry (Jack Bauer type of stories)
Suzanne Collins (I really just mean The Hunger Games books)
Clive Cussler (When I want some cheap entertainment)
Frank Perretti (Stephen King + Jesus = Frank P.)
The Twilight stories, not the writing or the author, just the idea of the story. even the execution sucked.
Francine Rivers (what a great storyteller)
Brad Meltzer
This is just a sample and I hope to begin to branch out. I am going to try and read The Kite Runner and hopefully it works out and doesn't suck. Happy reading to all.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Christian Vs. Christ-Follower

The title of this post may create a bit of confusion in some people so please let me take this time to elaborate. I don't know how long this post will be, but it may be short or it may be lengthy. I don't know until it's over.

Some may be thinking that there is no difference between a christ-follower and a Christian. That is like saying that there is no difference between the Military and the Air Force. Sure the Air Force is a part of the Military contains the Air Force, but it also contains the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The Coast Guard is a member of Homeland Security so I leave them out, but still acknowledge their importance to national security. Anyway, not all christians are Christ-followers. A bold statement I know, but please let me explain. How many people in this nation, if polled, would claim to believe in God? I have no doubt a large number of people in the world would have a claim to believe in God, but what makes them different from people who live a Christ-like life? Do Christ-followers want to be lumped in the same category as people who simply believe in God or think that Christ was a good man and nothing more? I don't think that is the case. There is a difference.

The majority of people who feel that they have been judged, persecuted, deceived, robbed, or otherwise by Christians, have encountered exactly what I am talking about. There is a difference. Think about it with me for a bit. Christians are the people who have failed to realize that eternal judgment is God's right and only God's right. There is no place for judgement, at least eternal judgement by man. Sure we can use our courts to punish human crime, but it is not our place to judge people eternally. Christians have lost that concept. Christ-followers replace judgement with compassion and understanding and love. Not love for the sin, but love for the sinner. Christ-followers realize that everybody sins. Only one persons as ever excepted from that rule. Christ alone. It is his right alone to judge eternally. Christ-follower's sin is no better or worse than anybody else's sin. It is all the same. There is only one difference. We are forgiven. People make mistakes and are misguided or lost all the same. The only difference between Christ-followers and the rest of the world is that they know it. Christ-followers know they are hypocrites. They know that they are not perfect and can never earn the forgiveness offered by Christ.

Christ-followers are more than people who believe in God. They are people who know that Christ came to earthen human form and lived and died and lived again. That he lived a sinless life and died blameless so that he might pay the penalty for the sin of the world. I have seen bumper stickers that say Christ was a great man, but those christians are not. I agree with that statement and it really saddens me that this world has come to see Christians as the bad guys. More Christians need to devote themselves to being Christ-followers. The world would be a better place.

When I hear people accuse christians and Christ-followers of preaching at them I cringe a bit and this what I say: I tell you this not because I dislike you or want you to stop what you are doing or living life the way you do, that is your decision, I tell you this because I love you and I am no better than you. If you were standing in the middle of the street and a bus was bearing down on you, but you didn't see it and I did, would you want me to hold my tongue or would you want me to yell and holler and eventually run into the middle of the street and push you out of the way? Well this is what I am doing only. I want you to live. While you may not believe that Bus is coming for you, it is and I care for you way too much to sit here and watch it run you over. If I didn't care for you I would sit back and wait and not care.

I am friends with all kinds of people. One of my better friends claims to be an Atheist. That is his right. He is still a good person and tries not to do things that discourage people. He works hard to not judge or condemn and if you didn't know he was an Atheist, you might very easily confuse him for a Christian. I don't judge him or tell him how wrong he is, or that if he doesn't change his ways, he is going to hell. I simply let him live his life and when the opportunity arises, and it often does, I share my thoughts and beliefs with him. He usually scoffs at me or tells me that I'm wrong, but he's still my friend. I still pray for him and I hope someday he will understand what I am telling him, but I am working against years of Christians who were not Christ-followers and those ideas are very hard to undo and that pain and hurt can not be undone without the understanding of Christ's love.

So I put it out there. All you Christians out there strive to be Christ-followers. take that next step and see people, not the sin. love them, be compassionate and let them know that while you are not perfect you know somebody who was and while you don't deserve it, he forgave you and while you continue to sin and disappoint, he is still there ready to take you into his arms and tell you: "I love you and I forgive you."

I wish that more people realized that the people of God {Christians}, do things in the name of God that bring shame to the heart of God.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2

I realize that I am writing about day 2 while it is, in fact, day 3. I am amazed that I am even writing this. I got a few hours sleep last night and I am energized and full of caffeine today. The energy these kids have is contagious. It really carries me through the day. It so nice being in a camp filled with adults who are prayer warriors. God presence is strong here and it is a great feeling and sometimes you can tell that the kids sense it too. That is a special time. When the kids realize that or at least get that feeling that the God we have been telling them about all week is in fact real and he is here right now. I get to be a part of that and it feels great. This is a chance to serve god is a real and tangible way. I may not ever see the fruit of the labor, but I know it will bear fruit and God will make the message we have laid out for these kids loud and clear.
I have had numerous kids ask me if I could be their foster dad or if I could adopt them, and it is so hard not to say "sure" or "yes", but its a lot more complicated than that and its just simply not how the system works. I have to reassure myself that God has a plan for their life and I am doing my part of that plan right here, right now. It is still heartbreaking to think about what might await these kids when they get home. I hope and pray that they have foster parents who will love and care for them as much as the people here do. I know that may not be the case, but It is still what I pray for.
Day three is upon us and we are a little tired, and a little worn out, but we push on. We draw upon the strength of Christ and each other. We act as a team and we be the best examples of Christ love that we can.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1

Today was officially the first day of camp. At least camp with actual campers. TI started well enough and has continued throughout the day. What a wonderful day it has been. I am tired and my feet hurt. I am missing a chunk of flesh from under my big toe on my left foot. I have no idea where it went or when it came off. It feels like camp has been going on for 2 months, but its wonderful. I feel wonderful. I am excited and happy and joyous and happy and filled. I think that day 1 is so long because the kids try to do everything in one day, not really thinking that tomorrow we can do more and that will be repeated two more times. I literally spent 1.5 glorious hours in a pool. I don't think I got out a single time. It was awesome and fun and the kids came out glowing.
After the pool was the zip line and all four kids in the cabin went down the line. You would have to be here to know how much of a victory that is. That zip line scared me and these kids are jumping down this line with no fear. Of course, we were behind schedule, but its only day 1, oh well. Activity center was the first real big heart tugging memory well, it was the first after bus arrives. So I was just walking around to different activities and I see a child all alone at the shrinky-dink table. I thought that was weird so I went over and sat down with him. He looked up at me and asked me my name and then proceeded to just draw on the shrinky-dink. A few minutes later this child hands me his shrinky-dink and says this is for you. The first thing that hit was: WOW these kids are noticing. He knew I was there and he noticed me and he took the time to thank me for sitting with him in the best way he knew how at that moment. This was my first shrinky-dink gift from a camper and I have to say it will always be special.
The next "moment" came after activities. I was walking with a camper and he was asking small questions and then he starts telling me about his dad and his home life and He asks me about my home life as a child. Without going too much in details, we have lead very similar childhoods up until this point in his life. It was scary similar. God has put this child into my cabin for this very reason moment. Then he asked me a question that I really haven't thought about in a while. He asked me if I missed my mom. I had no right away answer. I thought and thought and I said, "Yeah I really do. I really miss my mom." his response was as casual as it gets he said, "me too." It was a moment. one I will not forget.
So I was waiting for the bus in the heat and it comes down the road and I get a very heavy heart. I am so very happy and thankful that RFKC exists. My heart breaks that there is even a need for RFKC. I have a very soft spot for little girls. I attribute this to the fact that I have two beautiful, fragile, precious little girls waiting for me at home. I see a little girl who looks just like Sydaleigh and I almost lose it. It was a struggle not to cry. I took a step back and had to compose myself. Who knows the horrors this girl has experienced? How could anybody not love this little person? It is so hard to not tell some kids, yes I will foster you or yes I will adopt you, but all you can do is be nice and smile and encouraging and let them know that there is love and hope and they can have it all. I hope and pray a day comes when RFKC has to stop because there is no longer a need. Until that day comes I will be here for these kids.
So tomorrow is a new day and a full day, unlike today. Tomorrow we get to swim the lake. I have an irrational fear of swimming in the lake, but I manage it and swim with the kids. It is dark and not so cold and t smells like dead fish, but the kids love it therefore I love it. I am including pictures of the lake obstacles that I need to overcome tomorrow and a picture of a guy we say on the way to camp. The green things in the bed of the truck are chainsaws. yeah that really happened.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 0 RFKC

Today is the first day of camp, but since the kids don't arrive till tomorrow I call it day 0. In my opinion it is a little more nerve racking then actually having the kids here. It is an emotional time and to give you an idea about the things that are going through my head are: fear, excitement, joy, fear, and a whole host of things that i just cant seem to put a name on right now.

The kids arrive tomorrow and I have hopes and dreams and even expectations. I have tried to forget about the world outside of this place, but that is hard to do. I try to understand that God has put me into the lives of these specific children for a very specific reason, at this specific time. I pray that I can help cultivate a safe and healthy environment so that God can work. I am under no delusions. God does not need me to do anything in order for him to complete his work, but I feel that I need to do these things. I feel God wants me to do these things. I have a feeling that it is going to be a great week. A week of life changing experience. I hope and pray that I can help to plant a seed and that the seed I help to plant will grow and grow and become a life changing entity. I hope and pray that these children will be receptive and I hope and pray that the life they lead outside this place can not compare to any sacrifice on my part. The week of leave I lose can help to give life to a little person. Such a small sacrifice. I don't know that it can even be considered a sacrifice. I do it with honor and joy.
My prayer:
Father God, make my heart soft and help me be the servant that you desire of me. Help me to minister to these kids in any way possible, that I would be receptive to your spirit and have the courage, knowledge and peace to be everything to these kids that they need. Make me strong and fill me up to overflowing so that my cup may fill up those around me. I love you Lord and it is in Christ's name I pray....

Monday, May 16, 2011

New post for today and tonite

As I sit here in front of my computer, just having written a letter about 1000 words in length, taking a [short] break from video games I felt the need to post the letter as well as a few thoughts prior to returning back to the normal evening activities.

I am reminded of Luke 18:15-17 and think about why Jesus felt it necessary to use that example of children. Was it just convenient because there were so many children around? I don't really think that was the case. I think he meant that in order for us to enter the kingdom of heaven we must be joyous and unashamed, like a child is on Christmas morning. I love that about children. It saddens me when kids grow to be self conscious and start caring what other people think.

Anyway I write becuase I am trying to get support for an organization with a cause I believe in. I put most all of it in this letter and hope you can find the time to read it. I don't know who, if anybody reads this blog, but here it is. I truly mean it when I say that at the very least join me in praying for these kids and the adults who are really making a sacrifice to show these kids the love they deserve. I punched this letter out of my heart and while it might seem a little rough around the edges, it is my heart. thank you. Also as the week of RFKC approaches and while I am there I am really going to make an effort to blog more and keep everybody up to date about what is going on prior to an during camp. Enjoy.

I hope this letter finds you in great health and feeling truly blessed. I want to begin by saying this is uncharacteristic of me and I hope you will take the time to read this letter as well as the letter drafted by the organization I am attempting to represent. I was tempted to leave the letter as is and simply mail everything off, but I wanted to convey the high level of passion and commitment I have for this organization and the work they are doing. The organization is Royal Family Kids' Camp or RFKC. The purpose of the organization is to provide children who have had little to no normalcy in their life and experience that will stay with them for a lifetime. It is a faith-based organization. This means that there is a Jesus focused mission statement and all the volunteers are Christ followers.
Please believe me when I say that the children who participate in this 5 day long sleep-away camp are in desperate need of this time away. They come from homes that most of us cannot imagine. They have been abused, abandoned, and or neglected. They are forced to experience things that people should not have to ever experience and they experience these things prior to knowing how to properly handle the emotional turmoil that exists in their daily lives. This camp provides them an opportunity to be a child; to have fun without fear of neglect, abuse, or abandonment. The camp sometimes provides siblings who have not seen each other for a time to reconnect and interact with siblings that are separated for whatever reason. This is truly a happy time in their life.
The typical day of camp begins with wake-up (which can be difficult sometimes), followed by a good breakfast. Most kids eat well, but some try to eat too much, not knowing when the next meal may be. Some kids try to take food with them, while others simply refuse the food. Eventually after everybody has eaten, the morning activities commence. They consist of fishing, swimming, drawing, climbing a rock wall, going down a zip line, taking a short hike, hunting for frogs, building a birdhouse, playing in the lake and miscellaneous other activities. The morning is also the time when they are read bible stories and even more bible stories are acted out for them. This is usually preceded by singing fun praise songs alongside the counselors who they have almost instantly become attached to. Lunch comes too quickly and after lunch is a short quiet time usually filled with naps or bible lessons taught by the counselors and more often than not filled the numerous and sometimes difficult questions that get asked. It is not uncommon to have questions like "Why did Jesus let so and so hurt my mom?" or "Can Jesus find somebody to adopt me?" It's moment like this that you have to fight the urge to cry and yell and feel anger.
After lunch are more activity and then its dinner time. Dinner is always followed by some kind of special event. The events are: everybody's birthday, carnival night, and the grand talent show. Needless to say we keep the children entertained and busy. As a counselor it is emotionally and physically draining. Every day you wonder where the strength to complete the next day will come from, but God is faithful and the day is never more that you can handle.
I am writing because this year the camp is facing a shortfall. We are in need of financial support for RFKC. As you can read on the other page the cost is $250/camper. RFKC does not charge the campers anything to attend, nor do they get funds from the state for the kids to attend. They are a non-profit organization supported solely by the generosity of the people who believe in what they are doing. Please join me in supporting this awesome organization that truly brings joy to the heart of God. Thank you for your time and I apologize if I am bit long-winded, but I truly believe in this program and hope you feel lead to support this cause. I am enclosing an envelope that has been addressed and stamped for you. If it is more convenient for you to give online, you can use your credit card to donate through the website

Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or reservations. I will be most excited to answer any questions you might have. You can reach me by email or by phone 402-575-8373. Please keep the young campers that God has chosen for this camp and the counselors God has placed them with, in your prayers as we embark on this wonderful journey. Thank you and Make God bless you always.

With Love

Brant Isaak Brooks

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thought of March

As I sit here waiting for inspiration to strike me; it strikes me that inspiration might just be the lazy man’s excuse to procrastinate.  To say that I have procrastinated to update my blog would be a gross understatement.  Melissa does a wonderful job at updating her blog and sharing her thoughts and keeping all the readers updated on all family information.  If you want more information then please head on over to her site and see what is going on. is the link for those who are waiting for the inspiration.

I spent most of March traveling and working and traveling and eating.  If you have seen the pictures on Facebook then you know what I am talking about. If not then you just might have to take a look.

So why start writing now?  The answer is simple.  There has been so much going on the past month or two that I think it is easier to process all of this if I write it down.  Since I can’t read my own writing, most of the time, I am typing it out and putting it up here.  Part is for other people to read but mostly it’s for me to read and remember.  Remember what?   Well I Think it’s important to remember that no matter what life throws at you, no matter how hard things seem, or how hard they actually are, no matter who is put in your life,  and no matter what issues they bring with them, it is never more than you can handle.  God is not like some puppet master who sees fit to constantly embarrass or overwhelm us for his own amusement. That is not to say that God will not stretch us so that we can grow and learn and become better people and Christ-followers, but it is never more than we can handle.  He uses these situations or times to help us understand ourselves.  God knows when you are ready to grow.  You may not always agree with God, but that is an argument that never ends well, at least not for me.

I am not the best writer and make no claim to be any good.  I write like I talk and talking IS something I think I am good at.  That does not always or ever equate to literary masterpieces, but I think I have the ability to share my Point of View as well as most people.  I am very opinionated and not very likely to be swayed but at the same time I can respect another Point of View without taking it personal.  My decisions are based on logic first and emotion second. While this may explain a lot about me, it by no means, is definite.  Different situations result in different decisions.  Knowing that it becomes apparent that God puts situations in life that do not make sense, logically.  These require me to exercise the weaker side of my character: my emotions.  For example:  The opportunity presented itself for Melissa and I to have a chance to adopt an infant that was not 100% healthy.  This little boy had health issues.  Some more serious than others, but after having two beautiful healthy little girls anything not 100% healthy could prove challenging.  So I approached this decision first with logic.  Insurance will cover it? Check. Health issues are treatable and/or curable? Mostly check. Child mortality and prognosis? Good. Logically everything seemed alright.  Not ideal, but life rarely is.  It became apparent to me that this was going to be more than a logical choice.  It would become an emotional choice.  I am not good at this. Then all the questions started coming?  Could I love this child like I love my other children? Yes.  Will I grow to resent the fact that he was not born healthy?  Nope, why would I?  It’s not his fault. And they kept coming and coming.  Mostly related to his health but there was also the fact that this child will be adopted and there a whole slew of questions that require personal reflection just because of that.

So I dealt with the emotional questions like I always do and I prayed and let God answer them in his time.  I know my weakness.  I know that decisions based on my emotions are usually bad decisions. I see a problem I want to fix it.  I can’t let it sit.  How much sense does that make?  Logically is makes none.  Emotionally it might make sense, but again I don’t rely on that.  So I pray, and wait, and pray, and wait and pray some more.  An answer usually presents itself and it is always a perfect answer.  This goes to show you that when you put your trust and faith in a perfect being you will get a perfect answer, every time.  It didn’t work out the way I wanted it to.  We didn’t get the little boy, but I know he went to a family that will love and cherish and care for him in the same way Melissa and I would have.  That brings me peace.  I am more at peace with the fact that God has something different, something better in store for my family.  My job is to lead and trust in the direction he is taking us. Matthew 17:20 comes to mind and my response to God is: “God I don’t want to move a mountain” and his response to me is “I know.”