Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 2

The scriptures for today are:
Joshua 19-28:9
Luke 19:28-48
Psalm 88:1-18
Proverbs 13:12-14

What a great set of verses to start the day off with. You read and think that what God has to say through his word is the most awesome thing you have read and how can it get any better, until you read something else in the bible. I am grateful for this time I have to read the word and just digest it a little.
Joshua was once again a bunch of dolling out of land to the tribes. It appears that after this land was given to them, they still had to go and occupy it. Than meant fighting your way into occupation and maintaining that occupation. Something else that was talked about was a paragraph about a safe haven. They were to create a safe haven for those accused of accidental murder. It was a place that you would be safe from the family and friends of the victim. Sounds like a great idea. The land of Joshua was in the middle east and it seems that if this practice was still in use there might be less tribal warring in that region. This is yet another example of God's perfection. He saw that as an issue before men thought about it. I know its a small thing, but God doesn't always move heaven and earth to show us his will.
Luke was good too. I was a little angered at the Pharisees. It was that kind of anger that hits you when you are watching a movie and the bad guy keeps winning. you sit there wondering when they good guy will get some ground and just win already. Usually the good guys win and Jesus won in the end. He has to lose everything to win. That's the irony. we are not exempt from that irony. For a man or woman to win, we must lose everything. We must surrender and give our lives over to Christ. The Pharisees were trying to kill Christ even then, but his followers saved his life. They hung on his words. People were hungry for a fresh word. He taught in the temple and the people were listening. Once again relationship conquers religion. That was one of Christs goals or purposes. To denounce religion and build a relationship. He desires to be in relationship with you, me and everybody, regardless of your past, present, and future sin. That's the point, right?
The one thing that stood out to me in this verse was Luke 19:40. What a powerful statement from Christ! "If they keep quiet, the rocks will cry out." I take this in two ways. Number 1: Christ will be exalted on this earth. Even if that exaltation comes from the rocks. Number 2: Failing to cry out to God will result in rocks crying out. This will let us, as Gods creation, that we are not loud enough. Well everybody, the rocks are screaming. We must cry out to the lord. The Pharisees wanted to quiet the disciples down. Religion wants to hold you back. Don't let that happen. Cry out and seek him.
The last thing that really got my attention was the Proverb. The wisdom that comes out of Proverbs is amazing. This is such an applicable verse, especially to those in the military.
This has been day 2. I have a long way to go and I hope to get there. I pray that I do not miss the point and I have the strength and courage to continue on. I pray that I am not confusing myself or anybody else. I pray that I can stay the course and in the end be a better husband, father and man. I pray for those around me and those reading this today. I pray that Christ would change their hearts and minds and they too would be better off. I pray all these things in Christ name, amen.

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