Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 3

Todays reading:
Joshua 21-22:20
Luke 20:1-26
Psalm 89:1-13
Proverbs 13:15-16

Joshua was a good read today. It started out as more dividing of land but ended in a very interesting story. I was amazed at a few things: 1. The tribes of Israel were very quick to judge, yet slow to condemn. They let the Eastern tribes explain the altar that they built. Building an altar was not a bad thing, when it was built for the lord, but this altar was not built directly for the lord. It was built as a reminder for their descendants, that we serve only the one true God. They were trying to honor God with a replica Altar. This altar was not for offerings or sacrifices but as a reminder of the God they serve and the God that had given them so much.Where is the replica Altar in my life? What reminders have I installed in my life to remind me of the God that I serve and his power, and greatness? I Don't know. I am truly blessed. I know that God loves me and created me for one purpose. I read my bible and I pray and those things definitely help to make Christ a hard part of my life to ignore, but maybe something is missing. What can I do that will live on past me? What can I do to have a share in the lord for generations to come? What will be my God legacy. These are very hard questions. These are the questions I will be asking myself in an effort to change and be more like Christ. I will never get there, but that shouldn't stop me from trying.
Luke was another great read today. It seems like Jesus never answered a questions directly unless it was really important. He used parables. Stories about common occurrences that have a lesson embedded in them. Each Story/parable is a glimpse into the heart of God. Its almost like Christ is telling us that we know what is right and wrong, we just have to think about it and do it. Christ wanted us to think and figure the answers out for ourselves. He had enough faith in humanity, to truly believe that we could figure it out and make the right decision.
Once again Jesus is delaing with the Chief Priests and Teacher of the Law. I don't understand why these people, after seeing what Christ has done, could doubt him and his intentions. forget for one second that Christ is the son of God and is God. He did good things, very good things. He united people who might have otherwise never been united. He spoke a great message of hope, love, compassion, grace, joy, peace, and prosperity. I guess a threat is a threat and these people felt threatened. Without the death of Christ we would all be lost anyway.
I get it! I am so excited. I think I got it. Jesus is talking in the parable about himself and the people that God sent before him. I got it. The man who owns the farm is God and God sent prophets to gather the people or fruit and they were sent away. Some were beaten and some were killed. Then the man sent his son and he was killed. Christ was killed. I am so excited that through prayer and meditation I connected the dots and think that I have understood this parable. I have been able to look beneath the surface. This is something I rarely do.
Psalms is always a refreshing read. It allows you to praise God daily from your living room. What a relief it is.
Proverbs is always kind of a light bulb moment for me. I read them and just kinda say to myself, "oh yeah. That makes sense." Like god doesn't make sense or something. He does I just failed to see it that way.

Father God, thank you for another day and another opportunity to serve you. Thank you that you your unending love is given to me. Thank you for creating me and then loving me enough to save me from myself. Thank you for your perfect insight into your word and for filling me. Give me the strength to live for you everyday minute of every day and forgive me when I fail everyday. Give me the courage to stand up for you and what is right. I love you Lord, and it is the name Of Christ that I pray, Amen

1 comment:

  1. Very good Isaak. Isn't it amazing when the Lord illuminates His Word to us and asks us the hard questions to build our faith? Keep going sweetheart, enjoy your journey.


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