Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 4

The Scriptures for today are :
Joshua 22:21-23:16
Luke 20: 27-47
Psalm 89:14-37
Proverbs 13:17-19

Everyday it seems that the word gets better. It speaks to me in a whole new way, but yet it reinforces What I have already read. When I read I read it in chronological order starting with the first book in the old testament and ending with the last book in the new testament.
Joshua is giving words of wisdom and blessing and warning to all of the tribal leaders in the promised land. After God has given these people (I say this in a very non-derogatory way) everything they have. He has delivered land to them that was occupied by some the very tough and hardened men. These people had no hope to take this land without God. The came up against impossible odds and becuase of the promise of God and the faith of the people this land was delivered to them. IT was a generous gift from God. and the only thing God asked for was for the people to believe that God would do what he promised. Before Joshua passed this valuable message, there was a little bit of drama in the land.
What i got out of this was that Things are not always what they seem and the people who had built this altar were so grateful and at the same time so scared that future generations would not worship God or there would be a misunderstanding and other tribes may forget that they do, in deed, believe and follow the law of Moses and the one true God. This altar was their proof to the word that they are God-Followers. Kind of a baptism of the people minus the water. What presence these people must have experienced. They wanted to world to know who God was. If only all God-followers would follow that way. What if everybody built a symbolic altar in their front yard? What would Nebraska look like? What a brave act. I wonder if I would be brave enough to make that kind of outward and very public gesture for Christ. Only time will tell.
I thank God that he is the God of the living and not the God of the dead. I thank God that someday we will be risen and able to LIVE with him even after this world has passed by us. My physical death is not the end of me.
As I sit here writing this I feel that my support system will waiver a bit. When Christ taught, it was not the "sinners" that questioned him. It was not the uneducated or Gentiles who tried to trip him up. It was the God-followers. The Teacher of the Law were the ones who did not believe that he was the Son of God and the one who came to save them all. He is the one they have been waiting for. I would never compare myself to Christ. I will never come close to that kind of holiness or perfection. I do, however, consider myself a Christ follower. The things that I am saying may not be popular or mainstream, but they are my heart. I d not speak with the intention of offending, but I know that I will. Christ in his perfection and infinite wisdom and knowledge, offended, how much more will an imperfect being (me) offend those who read my words. I love Christ and believe his teachings without reserve. The "religious" individuals of Christs day did not approve of his teachings. It was sad that even the people who claimed to know God the most refused to accept the greatest gift God would bestow upon his creation. I hope that I do not alienate anybody with this journal. I think it will happen and it will break my heart. I can only pray and hope that God gives me a chance to explain my self like the Reubenites and Gadites. I hope and pray that the people who disagree or are confused or are simply wanting to talk to me about this journal have the strength and courage to speak, or email, or comment, or something.
Father God, Thank you for your eternal and perfect love that is poured out for me and your entire creation, everyday. Thank you for the numerous blessings that you have bestowed upon me and the people around me and the earth. Thank you for your love of such an undeserving people. I pray that people who are religious that they would learn to follow you the way you intended and that all the legalistic rules and accommodations that religious organizations have made would be laid on the altar and put to rest. I ask that you remove the blinders from the earth and that all can see your Glory and love and truth. I pray that the earth would receive the free gift of your love, but never forget that this gift will cost them everything. Do not ever let me forget that this gift will cost ME everything. Give me the strength and courage and wisdom to speak your truth and convey your love. Help me to show the WORLD who you are. I love you God. In the name of Christ I pray- Amen.

1 comment:

  1. hello isaak - i am personally glad we are living in the new testament and no longer have to build altars as an outward sign of the God we serve. my life better be that testimony. what i personally might have to sacrifice at times to live this life of someone who is serving the one true God of the universe will never equal what was sacrificed for me so that I could be redeemed. I could never do what Jesus did for me. somedays it's hard enough to lay down my life for the little things, like deferring to my husband, giving someone a ride home that's going to delay me getting home by an extra hour - stuff like that that isn't hard but still requires a sacrifice on my part. i can't imagine what it would be like to actually have to die for someone. especially if that someone didn't even love me. the flip side is that because we're not building that altar in our front yard as our testimony, it might be easy to think no one will see or notice if we are not serving God the way we should. which of course is simply not true. people notice. if we say we're serving the one true God, if we say we're Christ followers, than our actions have to back up our words. that's what joshua was doing.


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