Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 7

The Scriptures for today are:
Judges 2:10-3:31
Psalm 89:38-52
Proverbs 13:20-23
Luke 22:14-34

As I was reading Judges I was smacked right in the face with a profound God-ism. No matter how bad we mess up and no matter how many times and for how long we deny or disobey God he is always ready to save us. The Israelites turned their back on God every other generation and as soon as they cried out to God he gave them deliverance. God was always there and he never betrayed them as long as they kept his laws. Its not very different now. In fact, it is no different. No matter how far we stray away from God he is always there to bring us back in. Back close to his love, joy, and peace. Over and over again God brought the Israelites out of turmoil and persecution. Regardless of what they had done God was there when they asked for it.
God gave his creation what might be considered the second greatest gift of God. Free Will. Everyday we make our choices. They don't always please God and sometimes the don't even please ourselves. They are still choices. We make them everyday. No matter what choice I make, God is there to help me through the consequences. If those consequences are negative, he is there to comfort me and if those consequences are positive, he is there to celebrate with me. God never leaves me and no matter how often I disappoint him he is there for me. He there to bring me back. I don't deserve it, but he is always there. All we have to do is make the choice to ask and then submit to what God has to say to us. It seems like and easy choice when I am sitting around thinking about it, but when a situation smacks me in the face, it becomes infinity harder. Its a free gift, but it will cost you everything. Pride, selfishness, apathy, all are left behind and must be given up. It will cost me everything.
Father God help me to make the right choice and through those choices help me to bring honor and glory to you and not to myself. Help me to make those choices for the right reasons and not self-serving reasons. Thank you for always picking me up when I have fallen. Thank you for your never ending love. I love you Jesus. In your name I pray. -Amen

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